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June 15-21, 2014

June 15-21, 2014

led by Alicia Allen
Open to the Public

Cost: $950 - $1350 (based on choice of accommodations)
*includes all tuition, meals and lodging


The group size will be capped at 18 participants.
There are a limited number of single rooms, so early registration is highly recommended.
The all-inclusive cost of the retreat (tuition/ lodging/ meals) is as follows:

single rooms $1350
double occupancy $1150
private tents $950

A $500 deposit confirms your registration and room reservation. The final amount is due by June 1st.
For more information and registration contact Alicia Allen, 505-986-0147,

In this 7-day Meditation and Creativity Retreat we will explore how contemplative practice and the creative process are intimately related. We'll enter the richness of silence for a nourishing time of meditation and inner reflection, and of creative exploration and expression. We'll nurture our bodies with plenty of rest, good healthy food, and time spent walking in the wild beauty of the natural environment, or sitting by a clear mountain stream.

When we enter retreat, and surrender our habitual ways of presenting ourselves in the world, and begin releasing layer after layer of our emotional reactions to the experiences that arise in our lives, we have the opportunity to drop into the vast openness and stillness within. This profound resting in the natural ease of being restores us on every level. As we relax more and more deeply, we reawaken our fundamental curiosity and awareness, until we are free to meet ourselves directly, see things more clearly as they are, and respond in a most authentic and wise and caring way to everything that arises in our experience.

As we reconnect with our innate vitality and aliveness, we access our spontaneous freedom of expression, the exquisite brilliance and exuberance of our essential nature. This is the wellspring of our unique creative energy. We will explore this boundless source of creativity in a variety of ways, both individually and as a group. No previous meditation or artistic experience is necessary. Advanced levels of experience are also welcome, each person engages their meditation practice and creative process at their own growing edge. Individual meetings with the teacher will be offered throughout the retreat to assist this exploration in both areas.