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June 2-7, 2014

COMING BACK TO LIFE: The Intelligence of Nature, Psyche, and Spirit
led by Diane Haug, MA, LPCC and Grof Certified Staff
Open to the Public
CEU's available

Cost: $925 - $1275 (based on choice of accommodations)
*includes tuition, meals and lodging

The group size will be limited to 18 participants. Early registration is highly recommended. The cost of the retreat (tuition/ lodging / meals) is as follows:

single rooms Cloisters / Orchard Cabins (deluxe) $1275
single rooms / Orchard $1225
double occupancy/ Cloisters $1050
private tent camping tents $925

To register, please include your full name, mailing address, phone and email address. Please make your check payable to Diane Haug and send to 39 Camino la Cueva, Glorieta, New Mexico 87535. Phone: 505/757-2939 E-Mail:


With a contemporary lifestyle of unprecedented complexity and speed, time has become a scarcity. The stress with which we live invades our thought processes, our bodies, and our relationships. We become estranged from natural rhythms - as well as our own intrinsic wisdom. Our lives become out of balance.

Recognizing the time honored need for personal retreat, this workshop offers participants a protected setting exquisitely suited for slowing down, quieting the mind, and cultivating a deeper intimacy with the natural world. With practices that explore both our inner landscape and our relationship to the environment that surrounds us, we begin to REMEMBER who we really are and align our lives with what has heart and meaning.

Through the use of Holotropic BreathworkTM, developed by psychiatrist Stanislav Grof, MD., we will explore the healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness. Working additionally with observed silence, journal writing, art, council process, guided time in nature, music making and ritual, we will witness the truths of our own lives.

This retreat is of value to persons interested in personal renewal, enhanced creativity and wellness, and heightened spiritual awareness. It is an excellent adjunct to therapy, as well as a powerful method of self-care for helping professionals.