July 7 - 13, 2014
led by
Jake and Hannah Eagle
Meditation/ Personal growth / Communication
Open to the Public
For more information and to register visit www.reology.org
Students who complete this program by attending all sessions may receive 30 clock hours of continuing education approved by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC). There is a $50.00 administrative fee to issue a continuing education certificate.
Imagine a practice where every time you speak you are bringing yourself to the present moment, becoming more conscious, waking yourself up, taking command of your life, and experiencing more peaceful interactions with others.
In this practice, which has been taught for over 50 years, we learn: to live without blame or feeling victimized, not to be overly concerned with what other people think, to create peaceful and intimate relationships, and to become more in touch with ourselves and what we value. Because we practice "no blame", we let down our defenses and become more curious about who we are now --- and mindfully design who we want to be in the future.
By learning and practicing this unique way of speaking, and living by the practical guidelines of this philosophy, you will change your life.
As we individually grow and evolve, so will our families, communities, cultures, and global society that we belong to. Ultimately, Reology promotes a sustainable, respectful, and responsible path for self-renewal.
"Once I settled in, the retreat became a blend of sweet tactile, visual, auditory, and visceral moments all strung together. I left the retreat with the feeling of being lastingly and almost genetically changed . . . and incredibly alive."